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Mailing List
Name: Fans fictions xenites
Date(s): created Nov 28, 2001
Fandom: Xena
URL: yahoo group
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ff-xenites is a yahoo group for Xena fanfiction.

As of October 2019, the group is restricted and has 138 members. The language is set to English, but the group description is in French:

Cette liste a pour sujet les fans fictions francophones et anglophones en rapport avec la série "Xena la guerrière". Echange de liens, nouveautés, traductions, etc... Xenite débutant(e) ou confirmé(e), rejoins-nous !

English translation: "This list has subjects for French speaking and English speaking fanfiction related to the series "Xena: Warrior Princess." Exchange links, news, translations, etc... Xenite beginners or advanced, join us!"