Fanlore:Featured Article Archives/2023: Week 36

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illustration of Pete Wisdom from the waist up, leaning on a mantelpiece with his left elbow. There's a cigarette in his left hand.
Pete Wisdom by Ashlan, approximately 2004

Pete Wisdom is a recurring character in Marvel Comics, largely in Excalibur and currently in the various X-Men comics. He is a former English spy, hard-drinking and rough-mannered, who dresses almost entirely in black suits with a white shirt and a loosely-knotted black tie. His mutant power is to project plasma from his fingertips, which he calls "hot knives". He was a popular character for fanfic in the late 1990s/early 2000s, almost entirely due to the work of Luba Kmetyk and her Fonts of Wisdom archive.