FanFic Portugal

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Name: Fanfic Portugal
Dates: at least from 2008 - May 2012
Type: Discussion, fanfic archive, roleplay
Fandom: multifandom
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Fanfic Portugal was a Multifandom forum that also served as an archive for Portuguese fans. The main language used seems to have been Portuguese.

The forum hosted all sorts of discussions regarding fanfiction and it appears it was suddenly closed without previous warning sometime before May 2012. It was opened once again after fans sent complaints to the administration, but eventually was closed permanently. Bellow is the closing notice.

Como é habitual, tudo na vida tem um fim, e este fórum não é excepção. É com muita pena nossa e custo que nos despedimos de todos vocês. Como têm notado, o tempo que dispomos para a organização do fórum está cada vez menor, e vai continuar a diminuir. Sendo assim, decidimos colocar um fim a este local que durante tantos anos foi como uma casa para nós. Pedimos-vos muitas desculpas por irmos fechar o fórum, mas após falarmos bastante, assim como ler (depois do nosso erro de termos fechado o fórum logo sem vos consultar) as vossas opiniões, chegámos á conclusão que era a coisa mais acertada a fazer. Esperamos que compreendam, a Administração.

Mensagem de encerramento do forum Fanfic Portugal

As usual, everything in life has an end, and this forum is no exception. It is with a heavy heart that we say goodbye to all of you. As you have noticed, the time that we have available for the forum organization has diminished, and it will continue so. Thus, we decided to terminate this place that for so many years has been like a home to us. We apologize profusely for the closing of the forum, but after long conversations, as well as reading (after our mistake in closing the forum immediately without asking any of you) your opinions, we reached the conclusion that this was the right thing to do. We hope you understand, the Administration.

Translation by Aliandry