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Name: faithfulreader
URL: Evil Is Stirring Here (LJ journal)
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Faithfulreader has written the Slasher’s Guide to Gay Sex: one gay man’s perspective and FSR vs. Minotaur (a critique of Minotaur's advice to slash writers).

Also known for wank.

He apparently deleted an entire application at hogwarts_elite (after swearing blind he was getting the reaction he wanted and it had all been intentional) because they tore him a new one once he tried to patronise them over squibbing him. One told me she showed up at his LJ to reply to an open letter he posted to them all there, and then he accused her of being a troll, banned her, and had hysterics over her cruelty and meanness and how he was a perfect speshul snowflake and she was just horrid. She was just..."he said it was an open letter to us..." Someone is a sensitive little flower. :(

He's really entertaining to toy with, though. It's not usually this easy to get at trolls; he's so over-sensitive as well as a complete moron.—much_reality [1]

I still think faithfulreader lacks a penis and is a female fucking with us all.—prettyveela [2]

God, he really is a self-important little twerp, isn't he? And since he'll no doubt be reading this: faithfulreader, GROW UP, please. You're getting very boring, troll.—lyras [3]