Faces on the Wall

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Title: Faces on the Wall
Author(s): Liz Ann Cato
Date(s): 1997
Genre(s): slash
Fandom(s): Star Trek: TNG
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Faces on the Wall is a Star Trek: TNG story by Liz Ann Cato.

It was posted to alt.startrek.creative and was the winner of an ASC Award.

Reactions and Reviews

I thought this story was really extraordinary. It showed Worf and Deanna together as friends, but also foreshadowed a bunch of things that we would later see with them. I loved the style, and the humor; it really felt like a TNG episode and I love stories like that. Worf and Deanna stayed in character, as did everyone else. Totally great story; I would love to see it illustrated so we can really see those faces on the wall.  :) [1]


  1. ^ alt.startrek.creative, February 1998