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Title: FDJB
Author(s): Dolimir
Date(s): 23 July 2001
Length: 3268 words
Genre(s): Slash, Plot What Plot, Bystander Fic
Fandom(s): Sentinel
Relationship(s): Jim/Blair
External Links: FDJB at 852 Prospect

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FDJB is a Jim/Blair story by Dolimir.


A first time viewed by a third party.

Author's Note

This was originally written for the Senad list. A few people asked me to post it here, so here it tis.

Thanks to Lisa for helping me look over this story. It's not really beta'd. It's not that type of story.

This story is dedicated to Francesca (who doesn't know me from Adam) and Lisa, Duncan's Twin. Francesca, I admire your ability to turn a phrase and love how you continually push the envelope. Lisa, I love your story "Lucille." It was beautifully written. In an effort to pay homage to both these wonderful authors, I present this PWP which is sort of a cross between "Push and Pull" and "Lucille." My apologies to Dr. Joyce Brothers, who I am sure is a very nice woman. I would be mortified if she ever saw this title, but what do you do when a 250 pound Hell's Angel reject muse follows you around the house and demands you write his story? Well, you fucking write it, that's what!!! Bad language and rough sex ahead. And to my friend who said I couldn't write a story that didn't demand a sequel, all I have to say is Nyah nyah <eg>

And shockingly enough, this is NOT an AU.[1]

Reactions and Reviews


It hits one of my - numerous, okay - kinks, ie Jim/Blair through the eyes of a third party. And I like the little confrontation between Jim and Blair. Sparkles fly with those two. In particular when they're arguing. Also? It's hot.[2]


Love it. These two are hot no matter how you put them together.


Just a little PWP therapy (but with more plot than expected). (Fans self with ice cube). I got the feeling that Jim may have been aware that their was a camera on them and will be back to collect a bit of (spank bank) 'research materials' . For, you know, comparing technique improvement. For Science![3]


  1. ^ Dolimir. "FDJB". 852 Prospect. Archived from the original on 2006-05-28.
  2. ^ calic0cat (2005-11-20). "That TS story meme..." InsaneJournal. Archived from the original on 2021-10-19.
  3. ^ 13susan59 (2018-02-17). "Just a little PWP therapy (but with …". AO3. Archived from the original on 2023-05-12.