Evolution (Star Trek: AOS story)

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Title: Evolution
Author(s): Rhaegal
Date(s): 2010
Genre(s): slash
Fandom(s): Star Trek: AOS
External Links: Evolution

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BEvolution is a Kirk/Spock story by Rhaegal.


In his first year in command of the USS Enterprise James T. Kirk must gel his new team together, adapt to his abrupt change in status over his friends, and deal with falling for his first officer. And, of course, there's always someone out to threaten the galaxy.

Reactions and Reviews

Evolution by Rhaegal is, quite simply, the best reboot story I've read. The author's summary reads: In his first year in command of the USS Enterprise James T. Kirk must gel his new team together, adapt to his abrupt change in status over his friends, and deal with falling for his first officer. And, of course, there's always someone out to threaten the galaxy. Rhaegal is a TOS girl at heart, and it shows in this reboot story as she expertly weaves aspects of original series missions into the narrative, while giving each one its own special treatment. In addition, she conjures up for us new worlds and new and original species in detail and depth, bringing them to life and laying them out before the reader like a rich feast to be enjoyed. When you add to the fact that the author is also an astronmer and we get real (but not overly complicated) science in this story - not to mention a very laudable attempt to explain how red matter actually works, we know we're onto something that is going to be special. What the reader gets, in effect, is a series of 'episodes' beginning at the start of the mission, during which time the crew learn to work effectively as a team, and Kirk and Spock's friendship begins, deepens and...evolves. Not only are all the characters beautifully written, with lots of ensemble moments with all the banter, but Rhaegal also creates many wonderful and believable original characters that give her story depth. The story is written from Jim's POV, but that never feels limiting. What we see is a Kirk who matures into his role as captain through experience and good counsel from those around him. This is a Kirk who displays intelligence, sensitivity, leadership and a charismatic command presence that leaves the reader in no doubt why he enjoys the loyalty of the crew in the way he does. Yet underneath the professional exterior, lurks a man who feels at times ill-equipped to do his job properly. This isn't helped by occasional flashbacks of another Kirk in another dimension -- one that is mature, experienced and capable -- that come to him during times of stress. He realizes their origin is the residue from the mindmeld with Spock Prime, and finds himself feeling both drawn to and repelled by the visions. This more insecure aspect of his nature is something he only allows Bones and, later, Spock, to see. Kirk's character is painted with a clear degree of affection and humour. Anyone who has watched TOS eps knows that Kirk has a habit of ripping his shirt and partially or completely baring his chest. Throughout this story, Kirk's shirts continually meet their demise in new and wonderful ways, the inside joke frequently lightening tense moments in the plot. We also see Kirk struggle to get his head around the vast distances of space and and the fact that it takes weeks just to get from one mission destination to another, weeks in which he feels he has nothing to do but paperwork and gracing the captain's chair; weeks in which his naturally sporty physique and not inconsiderable intellect need to find outlets. Spock, through Kirk's eyes, gradually changes, settling into his role and, as the result of one incident, learns about himself and his two apparently opposing halves which aren't so different from each other as he'd believed, learns how to get on with humans, and one human in particular. It's through him we get Rhaegal‘s sciency bits, as he explains to a captain - who freely admits that his knowledge of the sciences has its limits - how the universe works. And it is, to coin a phrase, fascinating! Spock also takes his role as Kirk's protector very seriously and, given Kirk's highly independent nature, it goes without saying it has predictable results. The triumvirate is completed by Bones, who is even more irascible, if it's possible, than he was in the movie, growling at anything that moves. Yet, the reader [1]

A deliciously long tale of Kirk’s first year as captain, with some awesome Kirk/Spock goodness woven in to make it even more addictive.[2]

God this fic, man. It's just so freaking good. The development of the relationship between Spock and Kirk was just fantastic and the characterizations were amazing. The sex was really crazy hot, and the inclusion of Spock Prime can be really hit or miss for me, but this was one of the best I've read.[3]

This is not merely a good fanfic–this is a great story, period. It has everything: tons of elements from TOS with great spins (Jim keeps ripping his shirt!), memories left over from Spock Prime, Jim and Spock slowly growing closer, action, and jealousy![4]


  1. ^ from The K/S Press #167
  2. ^ "Sept 4, 2015 blog post". Archived from the original on 2022-09-03.
  3. ^ "Kirk/Spock Recs 15,000+ Words". Archived from the original on 2022-09-03.
  4. ^ "Kirk/Spock Fic Rec". Archived from the original on 2023-01-12.