Every Me Every You

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Title: Every Me Every You
Creator: charmax
Date: 2005
Format: digital, DivX AVI
Length: 3:22
Music: Placebo
Fandom: Veronica Mars
URL: http://charmax.livejournal.com/8614.html (offline)

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Every Me Every You is an early Veronica Mars character study vid by Charmax.

Vidder's notes:"Logan/Weevil - This video has some slashy elements but it's mostly about the comparisons in Weevil's and Logan's lives. Logan is rich and Weevil is poor but when it comes to family and friends Weevil is the one that is wealthy."

Reactions and Reviews

"An exploration of the romance between Logan and Weevil. Those two are sweethearts."[1]

The opening establishes Weevil in the context of a group, with his gang (also? motorcycles are pretty!), and narrows to Weevil vs. Logan–and Logan is shown as fundamentally isolated; it sets up the premise of the vid very well. The intercutting of Weevil-Logan in argument and Logan with his bloodied nose, Weevil with backup and Logan without.

“Carve your name into my arm” and the flash of Weevil’s tattoo with Lilly’s name–another instance in which Logan has been abandoned. Around 0:40, the paralleled shots of Logan busting Veronica’s car, then Weevil busting Logan’s (mom’s?); the poker game, and the way Weevil comes out ahead, is nicely encapsulated; the intercutting between Weevil and Logan at “shape of things to come”–Mrs. Echolls diving into the pool at 0:58, and then the flash of the river-suicide at 1:02 is absolutely chilling-heartbreaking. I think it may be my favourite moment of the vid.

Logan on the bridge, and Weevil showing up, at “there’s never been so much at stake”–oh, that hurts, the whole threatened suicide. The videogame sequence also plays up Weevil-and-friends vs. Logan sitting there alone.

From 2:03 to 2:16 there’s–muted color (that then brightens) along with the “I’m unkind” lyrics, suggesting (I think–I may have this wrong) Weevil’s awareness of how much he has, and what he stands to lose if he pushes it away. “All alone in space and time,” and Weevil alone on the motorcycle.

Around 2:49 there’s a contrast between Weevil hugging his grandma, and Logan being beaten by his father, which acts as–a climax, or a summation of the vid, the intact vs. dysfunctional family.

The dissolves–additive dissolves?–produce bright flashes that punctuate the cuts nicely. The cutting worked for me, as did the muted segment (I’m sorry I can’t comment more fully on use of color; I’m really, really bad at processing color).

What I love most about this vid–which you’ve probably guessed–is the intensifying intercutting of Logan-on-the-bridge, the possible suicide attempt; it starts with his mother’s suicide-dive, and it shows up in pieces throughout the rest of the vid, more and more frequently, acting as a very dark subtext/consequence for the comparison being made."[2]


  1. ^ Vid Recs dated Nov 12 2008.
  2. ^ Video review by Yhlee dated June 23, 2005.