Escape from Solitude

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Title: Escape from Solitude
Author(s): mysid
Date(s): 25 April 2010
Length: 1266 words
Genre(s): crossover
Fandom(s): Mary Renault, Doctor Who, Torchwood
External Links: archived on LJ

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Escape from Solitude is a short crossover story by mysid, based on Mary Renault's 1953 novel The Charioteer and the television series Doctor Who and Torchwood. It slashes Alec Deacon, a supporting character in The Charioteer with Jack Harkness, a character from Doctor Who, spun off as protagonist of Torchwood.


When Alec Deacon goes into The White Pony, a pub frequented by the gay crowd in Bridstow, an unfamiliar American tries to pick him up. Despite the man's good looks, he's not immediately interested. Jack, on the other hand, is decidedly intrigued.


The author's notes suggest this justification for the story premise:

In the Doctor Who episode “The Doctor Dances,” Jack, masquerading as an RAF captain, implies that he’s visited England during the blitz several times. Why couldn’t he have met Alec (from The Charioteer) on one of those visits? Jack’s good-looking; Alec’s good-looking; they both like good-looking men.


Comments to the story include the following:

  • "I like this! It's always lovely to have a little bit more about Alec, and I like it how he notices Jack but isn't immediately won over. "—comment by queen_ypolita
  • "This is so lovely. I adore crossovers, and Jack is one of my favorites to cross with."—comment by easilymused1956