Eleventh Hour

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Title: Eleventh Hour
Author(s): Rachel Anton
Date(s): September 5, 1998
Length: Wordcount: 99,800+
Genre(s): het
Fandom(s): The X-Files
External Links: [1], Archived version

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Eleventh Hour is an X-Files story by Rachel Anton.


Rating: NC-17 for cussin' and sexin'

Category: S, R Keywords: MSR, angst, kinda sorta an x-file, pre x-files Distribution: Anywhere with my name and e-mail Disclaimer: Anybody you recognize doesn't belong to me.

Summary: Some feeling defy the confines of time.

Author's notes: This story deals with time travel in a completely illogical and scientifically inaccurate way. Scully would shudder at this. It's about feelings people :) Also, this story has a lot of parts but I promise they are all relatively short.

Acknowledgments: Thanks to Laura for tireless and fearless editing and for thinking of the title! And thanks to Amy for being there when this thing was an amoebae of an idea and for helping me make it grow.

Reactions and Reviews

Unknown Date

My very favorite Pre-X-files story. Scully is dead and Mulder breaks out of the loony bin and goes back in time to stop the death. Only he goes back a little too far, meeting up with Scully when she's still in college. Great story, great writing, and the sweetest MSR you'll ever read. [1]

Ok, so usually time-travel fics are REALLY cheesy, but this one isn't. Scully is shot and killed by a suspect, and Mulder is sent to prison for murdering the suspect. A fellow inmate offers Mulder an opportunity he can't pass up - a chance to go back in time to prevent Scully from dying. But rather then sending Mulder back to the moments just prior to Scully's death, he sends him back to Scully's freshman year of college. This fic is amazingly done, and manages to stay as in-character as possible for such an AU fic. [2]


Scully dies in the line of duty and Mulder is sent to a mental institution, where one of his fellow patients gives him a chance to go back in time to prevent her death. Present-day Mulder goes back in time and inhabits the body of his 21-year-old self, who meets 18-year-old Scully at a party. It's an interesting concept, with a good characterization of young Mulder and young Scully. And, oh, yeah, there's a happy ending after all that angst. [3]


Whenever we think of AU, we always automatically think ‘Season 9 rewrite.’ I mean, really, there are SO many issues with that entire season, that we can’t help but to search for and read anything that attempts to fix what CC gave.

An AU theme we don’t get very often is time travel, which is a damn shame. There are a few stories out there in the broad space of the internets that utilize this, and the ones that we have read are insanely amazing. Today’s rec is definitely one of them.

We should warn you, Spoiler Alert: there is a major character death. But rest assured, it’s quick, and serves as the catalyst that pushes this story into the direction it needs to evolve, which in turn fixes said character death. It’ll be ok, we promise. [4]
