Each Coming Night

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Title: Each coming night
Author(s): naraht
Date(s): 19 October 2013
Length: 15,469 words
Fandom(s): Return to Night and The Charioteer by Mary Renault
External Links: On AO3

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"Each coming night" is a Return to Night/The Charioteer story written by naraht for Makioka for Yuletide 2013 challenge. It features Hilary from Return to Night, now working in Bridstow, working with Alec and Sandy from The Charioteer.

Reader comments

Reader comments on the story include:

  • "First of all, [...] I just want to say that I adore how Hilary focused this is. There's Alec, Sandy, Julian, even Elaine a little bit hovering around the edges, but it is so solidly focused on Hilary and that is one of my very favourite things, since she is my favourite. It explores her so intensely that it almost feels like a book in itself. Secondly, it's so Renault. Scarily so - there's exactly her turn of phrase in so much of it [...] there's this asperity to Hilary's inner voice that rings just right, and is absolutely spot on. // Along with that sense of Hilary, your dialogue is so super sharp and neat, not a word wasted, all of it quite specifically tailored to the circumstances[...]"—Makioka[1]
  • "I adore this story - it's great as a follow-on from Return to Night but it works well with The Charioteer crossover part. I love the understanding and respect developing between Hilary and Alec."—queen_ypolita[2]
  • "I really enjoyed this; there's a really nice balance here between drama and humour, with the chance for things to go horribly wrong at a number of points (and I'm glad they don't, although the war as background means that any such triumphs may be very fleeting). I particularly like the dialogue, especially Hilary's internal plea for Julian's goal to not be yet another cave, and the way it both highlights and undercuts the tensions between characters."—Cyphomandra[3]


  1. ^ Comment by Makioka, 27 December 2013. Accessed 23 February 2014.
  2. ^ Comment by queen_ypolita, 27 December 2013. Accessed 23 February 2014.
  3. ^ Comment by Cyphomandra, 31 December 2013. Accessed 23 February 2014.