Dumping Delores

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Title: Dumping Delores
Author(s): Libra Three
Date(s): September 2006
Genre(s): slash
Fandom(s): Starsky & Hutch
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Dumping Delores is a Starsky/Hutch story by Libra Three.

Reactions and Reviews

I looked at this Case Stories list, saw nothing but gen stories, and thought to myself, 'Surely, there's one slash story you enjoy where they aren't simply boffing each other's brains out.' Thankfully, there is. I love this story! It's got all the things in it I adore—first time between the guys, Hutch h/c, hyper-protective Starsky, unrequited love (at least at first), a bit of macho posturing and misunderstanding, clever dialogue. I think I've read this story six or eight times since I first found it. Set post SR, the boys are sent undercover as guests to a mountain resort owned by a friend of Captain Dobey's. Two men have been murdered, their bodies dumped in the woods around the resort. The friend is a former cop himself, and wants this mystery solved pronto. So off the boys go on vacation. Since Gunther, Hutch's feelings towards his partner have changed, though he hasn't acted on them. Starsky might be going through a similar sea change, though he isn't talking about the way he feels either. Misunderstandings, jealousy and angst all follow. But the writer's touch is so light and sure, that the situation never bogs down or becomes melodramatic. This is a wonderful romance/mystery. I wish Libra Three would write more![1]


  1. ^ from Case Stories –- Ancasta