Doctor Who and the Spork of Death

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Convention skit
TitleDoctor Who and the Spork of Death
TroupeHoody Frood Productions
Date(s)December 10th, 1999
External link(s)info
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The first completely original piece for the group. Again, no complete copy of the script exists, although I am trying to reconstruct it from various sources.


This is the first of the "canon" plays. By canon I mean,

1.The main character is English

2.He knows more than he lets on.

3.There are very silly deaths.

The other canon plays are The Adventure of an Ideal Murder, Chronautic Fugue in D Minor and The Avengers.

Semi-canonical plays include Chekov's Day Off and Sluggy Freelance.

This play is also noteable for the addition of Jared Frey to the regular cast. His Spork Weilding Maniac is a direct precurser to his reoccuring character, Cheveley.

It was originally performed on December 10th, 1999.