Discreetly Digital, Erotic Novel Sets American Women Abuzz

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News Media Commentary
Title: Discreetly Digital, Erotic Novel Sets American Women Abuzz
Commentator: Julie Bosman
Date(s): 09 March 2012
Venue: The New York Times
Fandom: Fifty Shades of Grey, Twilight
External Links: Discreetly Digital, Erotic Novel Sets American Women Abuzz, Archived version
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Discreetly Digital, Erotic Novel Sets American Women Abuzz is an article about Fifty Shades of Grey, a former Twilight BDSM AU.

“Fifty Shades of Grey,” an erotic novel by an obscure author that has been described as “Mommy porn” and “Twilight” for grown-ups, has electrified women across the country, who have spread the word like gospel on Facebook pages, at school functions and in spin classes. Or as the handwritten tag on a paperback copy in a Montclair, N.J., bookstore helpfully noted, “Yes, this is THE book everyone is talking about.”

The article mostly focuses on the erotic aspects of the book and how that makes it popular.

The fanfiction origins of the series are also mentioned and an often quoted line from the article is that “It’s relighting a fire under a lot of marriages”.