Dina/Ellie Williams

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Pairing: Dina/Ellie Williams
Alternative name(s):
Gender category: F/F, Femslash
Fandom: The Last of Us
Canonical?: Yes
Prevalence: Moderately popular
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Dina/Ellie Williams is a femslash pairing in The Last of Us fandom.



As of December 2023, Dina has not officially been introduced in The Last of Us TV series – though some fans believed Dina had a very brief cameo in one episode[1] – so most the fandom to-date is focused on Dina/Ellie from The Last of Us 2 video game.

On Archive of Our Own under The Last of Us (Video Game), Ellie/Dina is the second most popular pairing in the fandom behind the platonic pairing of Ellie & Joel. As of December 2023, there are 1,715 works tagged with the pairing. In centreoftheselights AO3 Ship Stats, Ellie/Dina joined the list in 87th in 2021, moving up to 70th by 2023.

Fan Commentary

I love them so so so much. I think they've both been pining for each other for years before the winter dance and they are both totally In love

But it's also doomed. Their relationship starts on a bad day and Ellie is totally consumed by her need for revenge throughout their relationship - she pretty much entirely loses herself. Dina, who has also definately seen and done some shit in her life, is forced to be the caretaker for an infant and a (probably at least a little) suicidal woman with severe ptsd and she can't take any time to herself to heal. Right person wrong time sorta deal.

I'm hoping for part 3 to include ellies redemption and her finding her new thing to survive for and my shipper heart hopes that is Dina and their son


Common Tropes and Fanon

  • Angst
  • Explorations of mental health difficulties, particularly PTSD - Ellie canonically has PTSD by the events of The Last of Us 2 and fanworks of the pairing often explore this.


Example Fanworks





(This is where any fannish essays discussing the ship are to be linked.)

Archives and Communities

Other Fannish Resources

(Rec Lists, Big Bangs, Thing-a-thons, Holiday Exchanges, wiki links, etc.)


  1. ^ Samantha Riedel, Fans Think The Last of Us Sneakily Introduced Ellie’s Future Girlfriend, them, 22 February 2023.
  2. ^ freshprinceohogwarts post, Reddit. October 16, 2022. (December 17, 2023) (Archived-December 17, 2023)