Digital Candy

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Name: Digital Candy
Dates: August 2001 - 09 May 2006 (Wayback date)
Fandom: multifandom
URL: (Wayback)
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Digital Candy is a fanfiction website. It hosts the fanfic of Avarice, Immicolia, Darcy, Marymeg,[1] Gloria Mundi, Megolas, Vera, Embitca, and JemJ.

From the About page:

I set up in August of 2001 because I'd fled from free hosting at some point in '99 to the first of many domains and wanted to save people from the horror that is ad-supported free hosts. Plus, I was developing an allergic reaction to those damn 'punch the monkey' ads.

The fabulous people hosted here have one thing in common. They write and they write well. That's the main requirement to be hosted here. That and I have to like the writing, but that goes without saying really. The hosting is invite-only, so don't both emailing and asking because it'll just get deleted immediately.

The fanfic hosted here wanders from fandom to fandom, from fictional character to real person but above all, it's good and that's why its here. The same goes for the weblogs and journals. They're all interesting, well thought out and always worth a visit. They're all digital candy.

Current Version: is currently in version #3 - Noir. The picture has been lurking in my misc folder for ages until I hauled it out and tarted it up. The site is designed in Notetab and Web Media Pro. Graphics done in Photoshop 7 and Paintshop Pro 7. The fonts used are Plastique and Verdana. The whole site runs off a PHP template.[2]

In June 2006 the main page was replaced with the message "Digital Candy has just moved servers. Regular service will resume shortly!"[3] As of May 2012, the same message is still there.


  1. ^ Pen name of cowriters Megolas and monkeycrackmary
  2. ^ Digital Candy - About, via Wayback: 12 August 2004. (Accessed 03 May 2012)
  3. ^ Digital Candy, via Wayback: 10 June 2006. (Accessed 03 May 2012)