Del Floria's Interview with Alynwa

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Interviews by Fans
Title: Del Floria's Interview with Alynwa
Interviewer: Del Floria (Live Journal)
Interviewee: Alynwa
Date(s): July 14, 2013
Medium: online
Fandom(s): Man from U.N.C.L.E.
External Links: full interview is here, Archived version
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Del Floria's Interview with Alynwa is an interview with a Man from U.N.C.L.E. fan.

It is part of a series at Del Floria's. See Del Floria's Interview Series.


Why MFU? What is it about the show that fuelled your creativity? The Man from UNCLE was one of my favorite shows when I was a kid. I had always wanted to try my hand at writing, but never seemed to find the time. I had never heard of fan fiction before 2009 when I discovered Reading MFU stories reminded me how much I had enjoyed the show; the idea of an organization dedicated to good, the men and women who fought the good fight. I ordered the series and watched every episode and started thinking I could come up with stories that I liked and that maybe others would like, too.

What is the story you “dare not write”? I have never attempted to write a full-on slash story. I know slash is not everyone’s cup of tea, but I have read slash stories about Napoleon and Illya that are sexy, loving, funny and downright hot! I am so afraid that any attempt on my part to write one would come off sounding like really bad 70s porn that I have not even dared to put a word of it on paper.

How would you respond to a critic who says, “Oh, you write fan fiction. You’re not a real writer.” I have heard critics say that writing fan fiction is a lazy way to write because the characters have already been created. I disagree; I think, in some ways, writing fan fiction is harder than original fiction. I have created characters for my stories; those creations are who I say they are and who can argue that they aren’t? However, there is canon that tells us who Napoleon, Illya, Mr. Waverly, et al, are. Additionally, there is fanon that further defines these characters. Regardless of the universe a writer creates, if she strays too far afield from that canon or fanon, the fandom will call her on it.