Dawn of the New World Order

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Title: Dawn of the New World Order
Author(s): BlazeSilvermageVIII
Date(s): 2018-2021
Length: 1,019,839 words
Genre(s): Suspense, Drama, Alternate Universe
Fandom(s): Hetalia: Axis Powers
External Links: FanFiction.Net, TV Tropes

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Dawn of the New World Order is a Hetalia: Axis Powers fic by BlazeSilvermageVIII.


Unbeknownst to the rest of the world, a number of nations have hidden their true selves. They have fooled the world, they have manipulated events and no one even suspected. Now, these nations will tear off their masks and show the world what they can really do. They will make a new world order. They will change the world... or die trying.