Data Goes Ballistic

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Title: Data Goes Ballistic
Author(s): J. Juls
Date(s): 1997
Fandom(s): Star Trek: TNG
External Links: Trekiverse

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Data Goes Ballistic is an Star Trek: TNG story by J. Juls.

It was posted at alt.startrek.creative and won an ASC Award.

Reactions and Reviews

WhooEEE! Strap down your seatbelts and hold on tight! Data's on a rampage, and NOBODY is spared!!! This one's not for the squeamish, but is terrific fun nonetheless. Sort of like a horrible traffic accident, you know you don't want to see what's there, but somehow you've just gotta sneak a peek. And tossing in the optional "happy" ending was a scream! Loved this one, even though I feel guilty about it. :) [1]


  1. ^ alt.startrek.creative, February 1998