Dorian Gray/Basil Hallward

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Pairing: Dorian Gray/Basil Hallward
Alternative name(s): Dasil
Gender category: Slash; M/M
Fandom: The Picture of Dorian Gray
Canonical?: Fanon
Prevalence: Popular
Archives: n/a
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Dorian Gray/Basil Hallward is the pairing of Dorian Gray and Basil Hallward in the fandom for Oscar Wilde's The Picture of Dorian Gray.

Example/Notable Fanac


Fan Art

Fan Fic

  • To Worship by songlin for cobblestoner (2013) “Let me taste of you, Basil,” he whispered in my ear, and all I could think of was what an exquisitely beautiful boy he was.
  • Dorian Gray by delorita, Silverfountains for Neferteri_M (2019) When Basil finally comes face to face with the monstrous form of his painting of Dorian Gray he desperately tries to save the boy's soul. But as Dorian raises a knife towards him it apears he's come too late. In his final despair Basil utters those three words he had never dared say out loud before ...