Kirk Enslaved (Star Trek: TOS zine)

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Title: Kirk Enslaved (Presents Daemaz)
Editor(s): Marge Cleghorn
Date(s): March 1984
Medium: print
Genre: slash
Fandom: Star Trek: TOS
Language: English
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Kirk Enslaved (also "Kirk Enslaved Presents Daemaz") is a 101-page Star Trek: TOS novel by Marcella Belton.

The art is by Barbara P. Gordon.

The zine required an age statement to order.


Jim is taken captive by an alien race. The leader, Daemaz, forces him to submit. How Jim comes to terms with what has happened to him is the basis of this story.


Reactions and Reviews


There should be a rule somewhere that people should never publish without some idea of the basics of how to put a zine together. KIRK ENSLAVED is such a one from such a person. Right from page one, it was apparent that this story needed an editor with a large supply of blue pencils. Another requirement was a proof-reader with a command of the written word to correct all the typos, spelling mistakes and grammatical errors that appeared throughout the production.

Having read some of Marcella Belton's other work, I was surprised to discover how bad this story was. The characterization was bad, the story somewhat unlikely and filled with some poorly-researched psychology of the characters. A basic understanding of the workings and functions of an organization such as Star Fleet would have helped, and the story as a whole would have benefitted from a radical re-write.

Kirk spends most of the story behaving like the hysterical female lead in a Harlequin romance; Spock is reduced to a minor character, without any sign of the caring, vulnerable individual we know exists; McCoy becomes a poor, hapless person with nothing to add to the story. I could find in me no sympathetic response to any of the characters which is a necessity for the reader and writer alike.

I also found, too late, that "same sex" in this zine did not mean K/S and, while was not marketed as such, I found myself assuming it was K/S because of where it was advertised. Passing over that, I found that this was not a serious attempt at taking mature look at other races' sexual responses, but an excuse to humiliate Kirk to present some unusual sexual behaviour. Why sex must be shown as both painful and humiliating is beyond me, and I thought we had come farther than that in our written expressions of various relationships.

Despite the shortage of good "same sex" zines on the market, I cannot promote this effort. I believe the editor/publisher should go back to school and take a basic editing course, and the writer should start sending stories to people who will edit her work and not just publish "as is". Believe me, everyone needs editing, and the end result, in Marcella's case, would, I'm sure, be well worth it. [1]


I'm probably one of the odd ones who gets bored reading most s/m. I left k/s fandom in early 80s for 2 reasons--I was getting more and more into s/h and because I bought a bunch of k/s zines at Idicon that were 90% s/m. More and more I thought the stories were ignoring plot and characterization, relying on sensationalism to grab the reader. I think it was a Marcella Belton novel that did me in--can't think of the name but it went like this:

Kirk was kidnapped by an alien nasty with lotsa tentacles for sex organs. Naturally the nasty raped Kirk repeatedly for months and naturally sex with this creature caused Kirk extreme agony (I think numerous tentacles penetrated way into his small graphic detail). I started skipping pages and got almost to the end before Spock rescued him; after all that suffering I was ready for the pay off with some comforting on Spock's part so was totally blown away by the end. Kirk informs Spock he took too long to rescue him and the only way he can now enjoy sex is with the nasty who loves him. He packs his little bag and returns to the alien.

Eeeuuuh. [2]


  1. ^ from Not Tonight, Spock! #4
  2. ^ comments at Virgule-L, quoted anonymously (April 6, 1993)