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Fanfiction Mailing List
Name: cross-gate
Date(s): 2003-2018
Moderated: No
Founder(s): Teri
Fandom: Stargate SG1, Stargate Atlantis
Scope: crossover fanfiction
URL: "Yahoo! Group". Archived from the original on 2019-11-17.
"Homepage". Archived from the original on 2009-08-08.
Click here for related articles on Fanlore.

cross-gate was an email discussion group focused on fanfiction recommendations for Stargate SG1 and Stargate Atlantis crossovers. Recommendations were then added to the CrossGate link index.

It was created on January 29, 2003. It was a public group, with no membership approval process. The last post was on June 20, 2018.

posting history

As of October 2019, the group had 1911 members.


This list has been established to help find and make available Stargate SG1 & Atlantis Crossovers. If you have written a crossover or just enjoy reading them, please come share your stories and recommendations. Also, we have become the proud home of mini-Jack.[1]


September 2004 was the month with the highest number of posts at 485 messages.

First Post


This list has been established to help find and make available Stargate SG-1 Crossovers.

If you have written a crossover, please post the story or link here. If you know of good stories, add it to the links section.

I also want to explore the option of openning an Stargate Crossover Archive especially now that it looks like Heliopolis is closing down. If anyone is interested in helping to undertake such a venture, please let me know.



Welcome Documents

Upon joining the list, two documents were sent to new members.

Welcome Letter


Welcome to the CrossGate Mailing List. If you are looking for Stargate Crossovers you have reached the right list.

We encourage you to give feedback for any story you read, be it posted to the list or only a link on the list. Praise is always welcome, as is CONSTRUCTIVE criticism; flames will not be tolerated. I am happy to say the issue has never been raised in the over three years we’ve been open and I hope to keep it that way.

Have you recently read a good Stargate/Crossover story? Please share the link with the list. You don't have to review it, although your opinion of the story will be appreciated. Our links page can be found at: As updates are sometimes slow, you may also want to check the group links section on the main page of the group.

If there is a crossover story you would like to see written, please post it to the list. We have a number of talented writers and possibly some new writers.

This list is not age-restricted, so links of a mature nature (including Slash/Femslash) will not be permitted in the links section and mention of these kinds of stories as a link in a message post, will be tolerated, sparsely, but not encouraged.

Basically, I would like to encourage you to participate. I understand if you are hesitant, I have been the original lurker. Sometimes you join a list and you feel like you are intruding. Don't feel like that here.

Please consult the list rules for more information.

Thanks for joining CrossGate and I hope you find some good crossovers.

List Mom

PS: I also want to point out our sister list "Smart Jack" a mailing list designed for anyone who enjoys fan fiction that shows Jack O'Neill as the smart man we all know he is.

List Rules

CrossGate List Rules

I have been seeing problems on other lists with Rules, so I decided to be explicit to make sure there is no confusion. However, I want to be clear that nothing bad has happened on this list.

1) The Welcome Message is part of the list rules. Anything in that message should be considered a rule even if it is not repeated in this list.

2) All posts must obey the Yahoo terms of service. If you have any doubts, contact Teri or one of the moderators of this list.

3) All new members are moderated because of prior problems with spammers. Your status will be changed after your first relevant on-topic post to this list.

4) Appropriate Subject Tags should be used when possible. A listing is available at the end of this message. Please pay particular distinction to the difference between "FicLink" and "FicRec"

5) This list is not age-restricted, so links in the links section that contain mature themes such as excessive violence, graphic sex, excessively obscene language, or SLASH (femslash) will not be permitted.

6) Mention of a SLASH or other stories of a mature nature as links in a message post, will be tolerated, sparsely, but not encouraged. However these stories should be clearly marked, I believe that adult readers have a right to an informed decision about what they read and they can't do that if a story or a link is not labeled properly.

7) Definition of a crossover: There are two types of crossovers for the purpose of this list, narrow and broad. A narrow crossover is between stories set-in the same universe such as SG-1 and Atlantis, or Buffy and Angel, or any other kind of spin-off or shows that staged their own crossovers such as Magnum with Murder She Wrote. These stories are narrow crossovers. A broad crossover is the more traditional Stargate with Highlander or Stargate with Pretender, stories that are not in the same universe except in the odd imagination of a crossover writer. Our list’s focus is the broad crossover, but we welcome SG-1/Atlantis crossovers as well.

8) A note about moderators: Teri is the owner of this list and Candy-Dawn is the long time moderator. Due to circumstances Candy-Dawn is no longer active although we hope that will change at some point. However, as Teri is often unavailable for several days at a time and because of the need to moderate new members thanks to the wonderful spammers, Crossgate has some additional ADMINISTRATIVE moderators to help with that function. I am very grateful to them for that, but that have NOT agreed to any role above and beyond the function of approving moderated posts.

9) It is expected that long time and active members (including the other moderators) will speak-up in a reasonable fashion should a problem occur or contact Teri.

10) When I started this list a over three years ago, I wanted it to be a community. Still do. Which is why SLASH is not entirely banned even if it isn't encouraged. However, I have to say if there are any disputes it is still my list and I have the last word. If I can not be reached, Candy-Dawn has the last word. There will be no exceptions. The other moderators did not agree to act as list arbiters and I refuse to ask more of them then they have already kindly given. I am grateful that this rule has never been needed and I hope it will continue to be so.

Thanks, Teri List Creator

Written: February 5, 2004 Redrafted: February 24, 2005

Updated: May 20, 2006

A Partial List of Subject Tags

OT: Off-topic (There shouldn't be many of these.)

Fic: For Stories posted directly to the list.

FicRec: If you label the post "FIC REC" Please take the time to include a story summary if easily available AND please say something about the story. If you really enjoyed it and think others will too, please say why. If there is something wrong with the story but is still worth reading please let us know.

FicLink: If you label the post "FIC LINK" you don't even have to have read it. It is considered reader beware. 1) Use this selection if you just want to offer the link, didn't like the story, but thought someone else would. 2) Use it if you know it is suppose to be a smart Jack story, but haven't had time to read it. 3) Use it if you liked it but don't have the time to tell us why.

It should be noted that if your story is posted as "FIC LINK" doesn't mean it is a bad quality, only that someone didn't take the time to REVIEW it for the list members. It is not an insult!

Please Note/Nota Bene: The distinction between a REC and a LINK is very important as has been an issue on our list. While we welcome any and all links, some busy members are only looking for high quality recommendations. So please make sure if you post you make it clear and use the tags.


  1. ^ cross-gate group description (accessed 19 October 2019).
  2. ^ "Welcome," posted 29 January 2003 (accessed 19 October 2019).