Consequences (Star Trek: VOY story)

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Star Trek VOY Fanfiction
Title: Consequences
Author(s): Melissa B
Date(s): 1997
Fandom: Star Trek: Voyager
External Links: archived online: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3

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"Consequences" is a Star Trek: VOY Janeway/Chakotay story by Melissa B.

It was posted to alt.startrek.creative.

Reactions and Reviews

I like this story because it deals with what happens to Chakotay after Nemesis...ST in general does not deal with what happens to a character after torture/brainwashing...leaving it to the fanfic writers...And she does a good job exploring Chak's mental state. [1]

I really like this story. And this writer just burns across the page/screen with her writing. So much power and passion to her stories. A very wonderful writer, and stories wonderfully done. This I think was her first story. I'll read anything she writes. A tasty treat for any J/C'er [2]

Another piece we should have seen. The aired episodes tend to gloss over what would happen later; the consequences of events. This is not an *easy* piece to read -- it's controversial, and full of caring. Excellent [3]

The dark side to Chakotay's experiences. Well written and very believable--to bad TPTB don't understand the aftereffects of torture, brainwashing... [4]

If we can only name one... I have to recommend Melissa B. for best new author. Her

"Consequences" is disturbing, in-depth and is one of the few fanfic stories that really delves into the, well, consequences of some of the stuff we see on the air! If these really happened, well, there'd be fallout. And there is. And it's a fine ride she takes us on.

And her work following Consequences--the sequel Peregrination (and the upcoming second sequel, Terminus, for which I'm waiting on the edge of my seat!) -- but also her other examinations of the Voyager universe and J/C -- Fealty (a *wonderful* work), and Last Communion, and The Other Side of The Wall - and, well, the list goes on. Not only can she write, but she keeps it up! Highly recommended. Without reservation. Go read. She's terrific. [5]
