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Title: Clonemaster
Author(s): Pat Terra
Date(s): 1998
Genre(s): slash
Fandom(s): Blake's 7
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Clonemaster is a Blake's 7 Avon/Blake story by Pat Terra.

It was published in Fire and Ice #4.

Reactions and Reviews

Nothing wrong with the writing, but for some reason clone stories rarely work for me. Possibly because the clone is usually just Blake with the fire, passion and, yes, bull-headedness, the things that make him fascinating, left out. That seems to be my problem with this story, but Avon and the real Blake are quite well-done.[1]

Another clone fic that I actively dislike. There's a lot of talk about how Avon must be a good person because Blake's clone loves him (based on a feeling) and Avon thinking about how beautiful Blake could be if none of the things that made him our Blake were true any more. So - that's my main issue with this fic, although I would also like to point out that, if anything, Blake's clone is Blake without any of the lulzy, embracing life bits of our Blake. He's just cross and serious, not a free and beautiful spirit. I agree the dialogue of 'Weapon' suggests perhaps the latter, but Gareth Thomas decided to play it... cross. Could we have some of that characterisation, perhaps? [2]
