Christian Fandom (organization)

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Name: Christian Fandom
Date(s): 1982 - ongoing
Profit/Nonprofit: non
Country based in: United States
Focus: Christianity and science fiction
External Links: (via Wayback)
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Christian Fandom is an "interdenominational fellowship" of Christian science fiction fans. The group first met in 1982 at the World Science Fiction Convention in Chicago and continued to meet yearly at the same convention, alongside regional meetings at Minicon, Windycon, and more. There was no official membership roll or status. Founders include the late Ross Pavlac, who wrote most of the website.


Mailing List

In approximately 1999, Ronald Oakes created a mailing list for members of the group to interact and discuss and plan events.

This list is unmoderated, so nobody will censor or approve what you say. However, the list owner, Ronald Oakes, reserves the right to remove anyone from the list for cause.

Disallowed actions on the list include: Flaming, Spaming (unsolicited commercial e-mail) and extracted debates.

Since you are a new subscriber, please introduce yourself to the list. Send an e-mail to the one of the list addresses above (xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, or xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx) , that includes your name, location and how you heard about us. If you wish to share other information, please feel free. However, you should be aware that if you give out your regular mail address, phone number or other information, you will be sharing this with lots of people. We would appreciate knowing of which conventions you regularly attend, and if you'd be willing to help us out in any way.

This list should be treated as an on-line version of a Christian Fandom party or meeting. Feel free to participate in any discussions, or start your own discussion. Remember that there can be many discussions going on at once.

This list can also be used to coordinate, plan or announce Christian Fandom events. If you have an announcement, sending it to [email protected] will also be appreciated, so that the maintainers of the web page can add these events to the calendar.


The SF-Christian mailing list merged with Christian-Fandom in April 2000. However, according to the Wayback Machine, the list was discontinued some time between August 2018 and March 2021, and was replaced by the Facebook group.


  1. ^ "Christian Fandom Unmoderated e-mail List" - ChristianFandom.Org (via Wayback Oct 4/99)