Chris Mulder

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Name: Chris Mulder
Fandoms: Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman
URL: Chris Mulder's Fanfic (hosted by Pam Jernigan)
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Four years ago, I was just entering FOLCdom, and read a *great* story (Love Beyond All Measure). I wrote to the author to tell her how much I loved her work, and by the way, I couldn't help noticing her e-mail address, did she happen to live anywhere near me? Turns out that she did, indeed, live very close by, and we arranged to meet (which is a whole 'nother story <g>). Within months, we were best friends, and have been proofing each other's stories ever since. Chris Mulder is a multiple Kerth Award winner, and her very inspirational workspace (at right) has been featured on the show <g> (masquerading as Penny's desk in AKA Superman). She's finally consented to let me host her fanfic on this page -- including two vignettes (nominated for Kerth Awards in 1999) that are not on the archive.

Pam Jernigan
