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Title: Chilled
Author(s): anniehow
Date(s): 15 May 2011
Length: 1000+ words
Genre(s): gen fanfiction
Fandom(s): Hawaii Five-0
External Links: Chilled (LJ)

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Chilled is a Hawaii Five-0 story by anniehow.

Notes: "for dotfic , who requested Kono and Chin, gen. After Kono hurt her knee and had to quit surfing but before she went into the police academy"

Recs and Reviews

An enchanting look pre-series at Kono and Chin as Kono contemplates her future, post knee injury. From multiple ice cones to relationship teasing to contemplations on uniforms, annie shows us the close link between these two. The reader really gets the sense of their closeness as Kono is in an intense upheaval in her life and the choices that will govern her future lie before her. Chin's solid presence and comfort shine through and hint at the closeness that is present in canon as well.[1]


  1. ^ duonoaikouka in: crack_van. Chilled by Anniehow (PG), 05 January 2012. (Accessed 08 June 2016)