Children's Classics

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Title: Children's Classics
Author(s): Taste is Sweet
Date(s): 2012
Length: Words: 6852
Genre(s): slash
Fandom(s): Stargate Atlantis
External Links: AO3

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Children's Classics is a McShep story by Taste is Sweet.

Reactions and Reviews

John and Rodney are prisoners offworld, but not together. This is pretty heart-wrenching all the way through, especially the lengths that Rodney goes to in order to communicate with, and take care of, John. And John is so grateful for that connection, and acts on Rodney’s instructions without even a second thought, which shows so much trust. This whole fic is a perfect demonstration of the power of their friendship, and Rodney’s ability to understand nuance and be badass in his own way. *o*o* [1]
