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Carnival (due South story)

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Title: Carnival
Author(s): Therienne
Date(s): April 1996
Length: 18,675 words
Genre(s): gen
Fandom(s): Due South
External Links: online at AO3

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Carnival is a gen Due South story by Therienne.

Author's summary: "A day off at the carnival leads to strange behavior by Fraser, and an alliance between Ray and Thatcher to discover the truth."

Reactions and Reviews

Every time I look at this, I think "I'll just read a little bit", and then get sucked in and have to re-read the entire thing again. The characterization is fantastic, the voices are spot-on, the plot and subplots are fun, and the secondary characters and OCs are perfect. Ray in this is a Ray-ish delight, full of snark and attitude even as he half-kills himself to do whatever is necessary to be there for his friend, even if it means teaming up with the Dragon Lady. Thatcher is totally Thatcher -- and sympathetic. And Fraser bends without breaking. The story does what the show manages so well: taking something serious and blending it with humor. There's nothing funny about the main storyline here, but you'll grin, and sometimes giggle, your way through it anyway.[1]


  1. ^ "Arduinna's Rec". Archived from the original on 2021-06-24.