Captain Swan Secret Valentine

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Name: Captain Swan Secret Valentine, CS Secret Valentine
Date(s): 2013 - 2017
Moderator(s): caishakalianah (2013 only), emmandhook (2014 - 2017)
Type: Gift Exchange
Fandom: Once Upon a Time (TV series)
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Captain Swan Secret Valentine was annual gift exchange in Once Upon a Time (TV series) fandom focused on the pairing of Killian Jones/Emma Swan. There had no minimums and it was open to all types of fanworks, participants were just asked to create something "special" for their recipients, and gifts had to be posted on Valentines Day. The exchange ran from 2013-2017. The first round was moderated by caishakalianah, but after they were unable to continue the exchange all subsequent rounds were moderated by emmaandhook.
