CapeQuest (fan club)

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Fan Club
Name: CapeQuest
Country based in:
Focus: seaQuest DSV
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CapeQuest was seaQuest DSV fan club.

It has a complicated history, and name changes.


From a spring 1995 description in capeQuest:

Greetings and welcome to the fifth issue of the still un-named capeQuest newsletter. This month marks the one year anniversary of our Florida Command Centre, affectionately known as UEO HeadQuarters - New Cape Quest, FL.

I have read many questions concerning the fan club’s origins and here is the overview: Briefly, this sQ Fan Club was formed jointly in the San Francisco Bay Area and Chicago on 12 September, 1993 by a small group of fans called the Spielberg 7. The name chosen for the club was the sQ Fan Club aka the DSV Irregulars and after two weeks of posting flyers and networking, we held our first meeting in Chicago. We expected nothing, and had 35 people show' up. (And only two bags of Fritos to go around...)

In December of 1993, the first club election was held and we consolidated the San Francisco branch, (and others) into one cohesive group based in Chicago under the care of Linda Kelly, (Membership Secretary) and myself, (President). Up to this point there was no formal method of communication between members in different states, but we did manage to come together to lobby NBC for a second season of the show we all loved. We had a letter zine, a very sporadic two page n/l, and Curt King’s (sQ publicist) phone extension at NBC <g>.

In April of 1994, members of the original Spielberg 7 relocated to Central Florida, in part to prepare for the onslaught of second season filming in Orlando, and the club was renamed capeQuest - the sQ DSV Fan Club (cQ having to do with 2nd season changes). We shortly thereafter added “International” to our title as the overseas membership grew. As the club became better established, it was decided on 15 May, 1994, to formally have the group based out of Florida as opposed to Illinois. Today, twelve months later, the club membership stands at 1,078 members world-wide.

This n/l you are reading has been in existence since August ‘94, and we’ve finally made it onto the Internet and World Wide Web. But most importantly, in conjunction with the ‘Rescue seaQucst' campaign, this club’s members have helped Mary Feller to make a difference! We have a third season of seaQuest DSV.

And good or bad, we have sent a clear and unmistakable message to the media powers-that-be: the fans will NOT lie down and take shoddy, unintelligent, and derogatory programming silently anymore! We have seen that coming together results in changes, And how ever our show, (and it IS ours, we have fought for the right to claim it), fares this next season, networks will never again truly feel in control of public opinion. That alone is enough motivation for me to see this club through another year, and hopefully many more.