Calthazar Big Bang

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Name: Calthazar Big Bang
Date(s): 2013
Moderator(s): fantalaimon
Founder: fantalaimon
Type: Big Bang - Fanfiction, Fanart
Fandom: Supernatural
URL: "calthazarbbang". Archived from the original on 2018-03-05.
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The Calthazar Big Bang was a big bang challenge in Supernatural fandom, focused on the pairing of Balthazar/Castiel. Authors had to write a minimum of 5000 words and artists had to create a minimum of one piece. Unfortunately, only one pair of fans was able to complete the challenge.


Title: Trials and Tribulations
Author: shotgun
Artist: happyfunballxd
Summery: In second grade Castiel Novak met his best friend, and the love of his life. His teachings in religion lead him to become a priest, but what happens when he breaks the vows he took, and finds that his feelings aren't as unreciprocated as he thought? (Part of the Calthazar big bang)