Cadet Kirk

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Fan Art
Title: Cadet Kirk
Artist: Shelley Butler
Date(s): 1997
First Published:
Fandom: Star Trek: TOS
External Links:
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Cadet Kirk is an illo by Shelley Butler.


It was printed in T'hy'la #18.

It was the winner of a Philon Award.

From the Artist

Could the young Kirk be any more beautiful? Check out those eyelashes, those lips, those…. Can’t you just imagine the sensation he caused at the Academy? Like with Gary Mitchell. Okay, okay, quit throwing those shoes…! [1]

Fan Comments


"My god, this is unbelievably beautiful. Funny how behind that pretty, pretty face lies the finest leadership instincts the 23rd century has known. And the drawing itself: exquisite style and balance. Perfection. [2]


  1. ^ Shelley Butler's Art
  2. ^ from The K/S Press #13 (September 1997)