Bored to Tears

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Title: Bored to Tears
Author(s): Willa Shakespeare
Date(s): 2005
Length: 8269 words
Genre(s): slash
Fandom(s): Blake's 7
External Links: Bored to Tears at AO3

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Bored to Tears is a Blake's 7 Avon/Blake story by Willa Shakespeare.

It was published in Fire and Ice #9.

Reactions and Reviews

"Bored to Tears" by Willa Shakespeare is a totally predictable 12 page story which is basically sex. Avon is a holographic sex slave of Blake's. However, Willa is a good writer who can make even predictable stories be interesting.[1]

Willa was kind enough to post this online a few months ago, so I'd previously read this one as well. It's good. Not one of my favourites, but very good. Very nasty and you have to accept that they are staggeringly awful to each other, but there are enough mitigating factors for both of them that I do forgive and I can see why they would forgive each other. Lovely, emotion-inducing dialogue at the end and some really high tension bits leading up to that.[2]
