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Name: Beddybye
Occupation: Sexually torturing its captives
Relationships: None
Fandom: Furry
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Beddybye is a lovecraftian monster of unknown origins created by furry artist SpontaneousFred.

In short, the main motif of Beddybye (and the artist's gallery) is the crazed sex it forces upon the victims it kidnaps.

Sleeping on the mattress or otherwise getting caught under Beddybye's sheets will cause the character to be captured by the creature indefinitely.

Also, it may either lure its victims to itself or in some stories hunt them in deserted places when they expect it the least.[1]

In a few and far between stories, Beddybye can show up to somebody in a dream instead, so sleeping on it is not the only way to become a victim.[2]

Once captured, nobody ever escapes it due to the tight blanket pinning them against the mattress and with time passing the captives will slowly lose the ability to resist, think and speak.


It is a realty warper with powers akin to a god[3], anybody it captures will be subjected to many different transformations until they inevitably become numb to the insanity.[4] The victims are also kept alive thanks to Beddybye who keeps them from aging or dying in the vacuum of space.

Among many other things, it can reshape any body part to its liking, usually targeting the captive's erogenous parts by changing them into something else or by increasing their size significantly.[5][6] So that whenever they orgasm, they always have sensory overload and the orgasm always feels overbearing to the victim that they beg the abomination to stop and let them go. Although, they may claim it is pleasurable, enjoying some of it in the process.[5]

Beddybye can entice its victims to sleep on it by causing bursts of fatigue in them[3] or by playing with their emotions by making them curious for example.[7] It can indirectly control folks and then directly once they are too weak mentally to resist it.[3]

Beddybye can show up in dreams or open portals to diffrent worlds.[2] The former extends Beddybye's torture as the dreams last upwards centuries to the victims, while in reality they only last the usual 12 hours period, and the latter example may completely eliminate Beddybye's only weakness.

Beddybye can time travel too.[7]


Unlike other monsters of its type, Beddybye has a lifespan. It is both made clear via original writings from SpontaneousFred and fanfictions of the character.

It seems to draw its power from stars so without them it can't survive, usually saying the torture will last "until the stars go out" if not "forever" to its victims.[8][3]

In a story, the abomination gave its victim a specific date for when it would go back in time and free them, the irony of the move is that in the same story, beddybye is unwilling to remove or revert back its modifications done on the victim while the narrator says the cumulative weight on them would make it nearly impossible for them to get out of bed, let alone walk.[7]

A lifespan is less of a problem than it looks since Beddybye remembers its past victims from past lives and will abduct them again whenever given the chance. For example, that happens in a short story where the demon bed says:

Alright mister you've been "awake" for long enough, it's time to go back home to wacky cummy fucktrip world and have your marbles blasted out of you by insanity and pleasure and UTTER FUCKTACULAR BEWILDERMENT!! Prepare to experience sights and sensations that you'll never be able to comprehend!! WHEEEEEEEEEEE!!


  • Beddybye's pattern (Blue backgrund with yellow stars) shows up on many more monsters created by SpontaneousFred, implying a link between them.


See also