Bailey's 7

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Title: Bailey's 7
Author(s): Arduinna
Date(s): 15 April 2005
Length: 3,220 words
Genre(s): slash fanfiction
Fandom(s): Stargate Atlantis
External Links: Bailey's 7 (sga_flashfic)

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Bailey's 7 is a John/Rodney story by Arduinna.


Recs and Reviews

bailey's 7, by arduinna. sheppard/mckay, pg. sorta classic h/c, which is to say shamelessly wallowy but nice if you have a h/c button. well-done with the shock and soothing words and full-body contact, vivid, nice mckay pov.[1]

It's actually a lovely little fic with solid characterization and great McKay/Sheppard pre-slash interaction, and -- no surprise, given the author -- excellent writing.[2]

It's adorable. I love how needy Rodney is in it. *g* If I were injured by a killer rabbit I'd be exactly the same way.[3]

Some nice h/c fic here. Rodney's wounded offworld and John has to help him through it.[4]
