Baela Targaryen

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Name: Baela Targaryen
Occupation: Lady, Princess, Heir to the Iron Throne (temporarily; book), Lady of Driftmark (book)
Relationships: Daemon Targaryen & Laena Velaryon (parents), Rhaenyra Targaryen (stepmother/first cousin), Jacaerys Velaryon (stepbrother/cousin/fiancé), Lucerys & Joffrey Velaryons (stepbrothers/cousins), Rhaena Targaryen (sister), 3 half-siblings {Aegon, Viserys, Visenya}, Corlys Velaryon & Rhaenys Targaryen (maternal grandparents), Viserys Targaryen and Laenor Velaryon (uncles), Aegon II & Helaena & Aemond & Daeron Targaryen (first cousins), Alyn Velaryon (husband; book), Laena the Younger and her brother(s) (children; book), Moondancer (dragoness)
Fandom: A Song of Ice and Fire, House of the Dragon
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Baela Targaryen is one of characters in Fire & Blood chronicle by George Martin, as well its adaptation House of the Dragon.



Baela was daughter of Prince Daemon Targaryen and his second wife Laena Velaryon, sister of Lady Rhaena (her younger twin) and unnamed Targaryen boy. As a 2-year-old child Baela was engaged to Jacaerys Velaryon, her 4-year-old legal first cousin and second in line to the Iron Throne. After Laena and her son's deaths, Daemon married Jace's mother Rhaenyra, making Baela stepdaughter of Crown Princess. She gained soon three half-siblings - Aegon, Viserys and Visenya.

During Dance of the Dragons teenage Baela supported her stepmother's and her fiancé's (whom she wished to marry as soon as possible) rights to the throne. Baela also gave huge blow to Team Green, when she engaged in fight on her dragoness Moondancer with King Aegon II himself and his dragon Sunfyre. Fierce clash ended in stalemate - both dragons inflicted mortal wounds upon each other.

While her fiancé perished, Baela survived Dance and as closest kin to the new King, her half-brother Aegon III, she became heiress presumptive to the Iron Throne, until their missing brother Viserys came back to Westeros, becoming new heir. Baela married man whom she chose herself, Alyn Velaryon, new Lord of Driftmark, by whom she had at least two children. She predeceased Alyn.


Baela is eldest child of Daemon and Laena, two years older than Rhaena's, but the same age as Jacaerys Velaryon. When she is 10, her grandmother Rhaenys wants to proclaim her heiress to Driftmark, as Baela is "true Velaryon blood", while current heirs - Jace's younger brothers, Lucerys and Joffrey - are only legally Velaryons, being in fact result of Rhaenyra's affair. Corlys Velaryon rejects this idea, as Baela is not Velaryon, but Targaryen, and "history does not remember blood, it rememebrs names".

Baela herself seems uninterested in her grandmother's plans and as she grows, she remains political supporter of Rhaenyra and her sons, despite being aware of Velaryon boys's true parentage. Like in book, she is engaged to Jacaerys, making her future queen consort.

With the Dance of the Dragons beggining, Baela goes on dragon missions and patrol Crowlands on her stepmother's request. After Rhaenys's dies in battle, Corlys wants honour his wife's years-long wish and offers her position of heiress to Driftmark in place of her stepbrother Joffrey; Baela declines, reminding her grandfather she is Targaryen, and Driftmark should go to Velaryon.


Baela & Rhaenyra or: How fans are getting offended on Baela's behalf

Some fans supporting Team Green (Aegon II and Alicent's faction) or people critical of Rhaenyra love being offended on Baela's behalf, argue Rhaenyra "stole" and "usurped" inheritence of Driftmark from Baela, by instaling her sons (Lucerys and Joffrey Velaryons) as heirs to Driftmark. The point of contention is that Velaryon boys were in fact fathered by Harwin Strong, so seat should go to Baela as Corlys's true grandaughter. This matter is raised by Rhaenys in episode 7 of season 1 of House of the Dragon when she declares to Corlys her wish to make Baela his heir, as she is "true Velaryon blood". Corlys rejects idea, because history does not remember blood, only names - Lucerys and Joffrey are legally Velaryons as they were claimed as legitimate sons by their stepfather Laenor, whereas Baela and her sister Rhaena are Targaryens.

Many Green fans/Rhaenyra's critics insists that if Rhaenyra really cared about "creating new order" she promised to make (with women having higher position and rights), she should have Driftmark to Baela.

This reasoning is however missing three key points:

1) Baela - nor her sister Rhaena - never has voiced she wants inherit Driftmark (it was entirely Rhaenys's idea).

2) Baela is fierce supporter of Rhaenyra and her stepbrothers and she does not care about Velaryon boys true paternity. While Rhaneys in 1x07 treats 10-year-old Jacaerys Velaryon coldly because of his non-Valyrian look, Baela extends her hand to her cousin. As teenager, Baela warns Rhaenyra and Daemon that Vaemond Velaryon intends to usurp Lucerys's rights, implying she does support Luke as heir to Driftmark. Episode 2x02 ultimately confirms Baela is fully aware of Harwin being true father of Jacaerys, and that she is determined to fight for her stepbrothers and stepmother regardless of it.

3) Baela is rejected by Corlys not because of her gender but because she is Targaryen. She does not carry Velaryon name. If she was boy and Lucerys was girl situation would be the same: Baelon would be Targaryen and Lucerra would be Velaryon. Corlys wanted Velaryon to succed him and he would choose Laenor's children regardless of their gender, as Laena's children with Daemon - while have Velaryon blood - are Targaryens.

In 2x05 in aftermath of both Lucerys's and Rhaenys's deaths, Corlys - desiring to honour his wife's wish - offers his granddaughter inheritence of Driftmark in place of Lucerys's brother, 6 year-old Joffrey, whom Corlys considers too young. Baela rejects this, reminding her grandfather she is Targaryen, and Driftmark should go to Velaryon: "I am blood and fire. Driftmark must pass to salt and sea". It is final nail in coffin for those who claim Rhaenyra "usurped" her stepdaughter, proving beyond doubt Baela does not feel usurped and she is not interested in having Driftmark.

Before airing of season 2, creator Phoenix Ashes did video essay on topic [1], critcizing logic of anti-Rhaenyra viewers and explaining why Baela - who is intended to be future Queen consort as betrothed to Jacaerys, Rhaenyra' heir - is not her stepmother's victim, and why she supports Rhaenyra:

We have so little of Baela in the show [as of season 1] that we do not her self's thoughts regarding Driftmark, but one thing I will never understand is how one can insist that rulling a seat [Driftmark] is better than being the queen of the entire continent. (...) I do believe that Baela being [queen] consort would give her far more power than rulling Driftmark.

When show!Rhaenys asks Corlys to make Driftmark pass through Laena's line, Corlys says: "History does not remember blood, it remembers names". While this is a comment about the fact Luke isn't his biological grandson, it also has another meaning: Driftmark is a seat of House Velaryon, and Baela is a Targaryen, even though some people [online] try to call her and Rhaena "Velaryon twins", an epithet that is never used for them, because THEY ARE TARGARYENS. While maybe it could be possible to change Baela's last name, it bears repeating that as long as she is a Targaryen, Driftmark cannot pass to her.

The reason why Baela is not shown resenting Rhaenyra or Daemon for "usurping" her is very simple: one, she does not bend to the whims of Green fans and two, she loves her family. (...) Sometimes even young girls are able to realize that a castle passing to you is less important than a civil war and backing the rightful ruler and your stepmother. And being a queen of the entire continent is objectively more than having a castle. And let's be real, Rhaenyra is a mother that stepped up, so I see why Baela would love and idolize her.

It should be also noted the whole idea of "Driftmark going to Baela" by Rhaenys is solely show idea; in book Rhaenys nor anyone else ever proposed such thing. Baela is intended since age 2 to be future Queen of Jacaerys, and because of that she and Jace are never considered potential heirs to Driftmark. Book also offers no indication that Princess Rhaenys wanted to take away inheritence from Lucerys.


Baela is usually shipped with her book partners, Jacaerys Velaryon (see: Jacaerys/Baela) and Alyn Velaryon.

In works where Jace is paired with male character, Baela is either paired with Alyn or with female love interest, like Helaena or Nettles.

If Jacaerys is paired with Helaena, Baela sometime becomes partner of Aegon II who does not usurp throne is this scenario.