Back Up Plan

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Title: Back Up Plan
Author(s): Dangermouse
Date(s): 11 June 2003
Length: 36,906 words
Genre(s): Slash, Crossover
Fandom(s): The Sentinel/Stargate SG-1
External Links: online at AO3

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Back Up Plan is a The Sentinel/Stargate SG-1 story by Dangermouse. It was originally posted at 852 Prospect and imported over to AO3.

Reactions and Reviews

Blair's half-dead after the events with Alex Barnes and needs a place to go. Daniel takes him in. They get together, but only briefly, as Jim and Jack get their heads out of their asses and go after them.[1]

I've been kinda rough on this author here, yet I always end up reading her new stuff. Why? Because she writes long stories, with plots, and I can always skim past the sex scenes. And because my hunger for Sentinel stories far outstrips the supply of new fic coming out. On the other hand, this is the second story by her that I've read where big mean Jim and Jack have driven faultless Blair and Daniel (who are old old friends'n'lovers) into each others' arms for hot'n'heavy comfort sex. Okay, this is the author's kink, she's very upfront in believing that Blair and Daniel are soulmates, even if they each love somebody else. So, from the standpoint that an author should be free to write her kinks and to please herself first, I can't fault it. But from the standpoint of *my* kinks, this is just so not my thing. There's a touch of wee!Blair going on, and a few too many "you're beautiful", "no, you're beautiful" exchanges. The Daniel in my head isn't a big slut, either. And there's a strong fairy godmother/dues ex machina sense to how everything turns out so conveniently and well for the main characters. If the fandoms or the pairings interest you, then you need to judge for yourself.[2]
