Babcom (Babylon 5 archive)

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Name: Babcom
Date(s): 1995?-
Archivist: Alexei Kosut
Founder: Alexei Kosut
Fandom: Babylon 5
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Babcom was the archive for fanworks posted by members of The B5-Creative Mailing List.

Categories (1997-ish)

Available Categories

The Past - Pre-Babylon 5 stories
Season One - Stories from 2258
Season Two - Stories from 2259
Season Three - Stories from 2260
Season Four - Stories from 2261
The Future - Speculation on what's to come
Verse - Poems, songs and prayers
Humor - Comedy in prose
Other - Fitting none of the other categories


"Note: Those visiting this site recently will surely have noticed that the stories can no longer be accessed. In addition, the archive has not been updated in over a year. At this time, I unfortunately do not have the time, nor do I see any in the near future, to again update the archive. I may be able to fix the existing archive in the coming week, I'll have to see. -- Alexei Kosut, January 31, 1998" [1]

Fan Comments

If it's fan fiction you're looking for, get your eyeballs around this site. Alexei Kosut, author of the site, has written many short, B5 related stories, all of which are available here. There's also an index to many other B5 fanfic author's work, including some B5 poetry and humour! In addition to the fiction, there are also a few framegrabs, and quite a comprehensive archive of sound samples. [2]
