Audio Visuals: Adventures in Time & Space

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Title: Audio Visuals: Adventures in Time & Space
Cover Artist(s):
Type: December 1984-1991
Medium: audio cassette
Fandom: Doctor Who
Language: English
External Links: all cover images came from here
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Audio Visuals: Adventures in Time & Space is a fan-produced series of adventures, a tapezine, starring Nicholas Briggs as the Doctor, an incarnation known at the time as the Nth Doctor, that ran between 1984 and 1991. There were twenty-nine of them, as well as four music tapes.

flyer for the first issue, The Space Wail, click to read

Several of these stories were later adapted or incorporated into more official media. The Mutant Phase, Minuet in Hell, and Sword of Orion were all adapted into Big Finish audio dramas. The Nth Doctor would also later show up in official media, most notably the DWM comic Party Animals.


Audio Visuals – Adventures in Time & Space were a series of fan-produced Doctor Who audio plays made as part of a non-profit making venture. The series ran for nearly ten years becoming more polished and professional with each play. The Doctor was played in the pilot by Stephen Payne but for the rest of the run by Nicholas Briggs, whose incarnation also played a couple of brief cameos in the comic strip for Doctor Who Magazine. Michael Wisher was a regular performer and both Nabil Shaban and Peter Miles made appearances as well. Scripts came courtesy of Gary Russell (who later went on to produce the final season of AVs), Nicholas Briggs, Jim Mortimore, Andy Lane, Alan W. Lear and many others, while others went on to appear in and contribute creatively to BBV, Bill Baggs’ video company whose productions included, among others, a remake of the Audio Visual play More than a Messiah. [1]

The Creators Speak

Interviews with some of the fans involved are here/here. About the sound effects and technical issues, interviews with Alistair Lock: here/here.

Similar Zines

For other similar zines, see: Doctor Who Tapezines.

The Issues

  • 01 The Space Wail by Gary Russell (as Warren Martyn) (41 min) (The Doctor and Greg land on a death ship. It is transporting condemned prisoners across Space to their point of execution. Also on board, the enigmatic sentient computer known as BABE. First page of the transcript is here)
  • 02 The Time Ravagers by Nicholas Briggs (as Arthur Wallis) (80 min)
  • 03 Connection 13 by Stuart Palmer (40 min)
  • 04 Conglomerate by Nicholas Briggs (as Arthur Wallis) (38 min)
  • 05 Cloud of Fear by Alan Lear (60 min)
  • 06 Shadow World by Richard & Deborah Marson (as Christopher Rhys & Emma Lindley) (50 min)
  • 07 Maenad by Gary Russell (as Warren Martyn) (89 min)
  • 08 The Mutant Phase by Nicholas Briggs (as Samuel Flint) (96 min)
  • 09 The Destructor Contract by Nicholas Briggs (as Arthur Wallis) (66 min)
  • 09a Vilgreth by Nicholas Briggs (as Arthur Wallis) (23
  • 10 The Trilexia Threat by Nicholas Briggs & John Ainsworth (as Timothy Holbrooke) (51 min)
  • 11 Minuet in Hell by Alan W. Lear (62 min)
  • 12 Blood Circuit by Jim Mortimore (as Ed Taylor) (126 min)
  • 13 Second Solution by Jim Mortimore (as Ed Taylor) (54 min)
  • 14 The Secret of Nematoda by Nicholas Briggs (as Arthur Wallis) (71 min)
  • 15 Enclave Irrelative by Alan W. Lear (88 min)
  • 16 More than a Messiah by Nigel Fairs (55 min)
  • 17 Sword of Orion by Nicholas Briggs (as Samuel Flint) (90 min)
  • 18 Carny by Jim Mortimore (as Jonathan Boothroyd) (66 min)
  • 19 Planet of Lies by Alan W. Lear (135 min)
  • 20 Deadfall by Gary Russell (as Warren Martyn) (87 min)
  • 21 Requiem by Andy Lane (82 min)
  • 22 Cuddlesome by Nigel Fairs (85 min)
  • 23 Endurance by Nicholas Briggs (as Erica Galloway) (149 min)
  • 24 Mythos by Jim Mortimore (as Jonathan Boothroyd) (106 min)
  • 24a Truman's Excellent Adventure by Gary Russell (as Warren Martyn) (29 min)
  • 25 Subterfuge by Nicholas Briggs (as Arthur Wallis & Samuel Flint!) (141 min)
  • 26 Geopath by Stephen Bowkett (89 min)
  • 27 Justyce by Nicholas Briggs (as Erica Galloway) (89 min)

Influence on Canon

Several aspects of the Audio Visuals were later used in the official DWEU, especially Big Finish:

  • The Mutant Phase, Minuet in Hell, Sword of Orion, and Cuddlesome were all adapted into BF audios with the same title.
  • The Destructor Contract was loosely adapted into the audios The Sands of Life and War Against the Laan.
  • Vilgreth was adapted into the audio Last of the Titans.
  • Deadfall was adapted into the Bernice Summerfield VNA novel of the same name.
  • Subterfuge was loosely adapted into the audios The Pursuit of History and Casualties of Time.

In addition:

  • Temperons from The Time Ravagers later show up in the audio The Sirens of Time.
  • The Trilexia from The Trilexia Threat later show up in the Bernice Summerfield novel Adorable Illusion.



  1. ^ "Doctor Who News". Archived from the original on 2021-01-27.