Audacter Ire

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Title: Audacter Ire
Author(s): B.A. Lopez
Date(s): 1995
Genre(s): het
Fandom(s): Star Trek: TNG
External Links: part one
part two
PG version (Trekiverse), NC-17 version (Trekiverse)

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Audacter Ire is a Star Trek: TNG Picard/Crusher story by B.A. Lopez.

It was the winner of an ASC Award.

Reactions and Reviews

I too would rate Audacter Ire as the best P/C story of the year. I enjoyed the adult version best and I must go further to state that the sexually explicit scenes are tasteful and erotic. Too often I have read adult stories that discribe sexual acts but convey no emotion to the reader, B. Lopez provides us with a yard stick against which to measure our abilities to stir ones libido. Characterization is to me the most important aspect of Trek stories, AI stays true to the characters and takes us on a journey that alas we were not treated to during the series. The uniting of Picard and Crusher comes very naturally with the development of this story. [1]

I felt that the author managed to capture the characteristics of each character very well. I especially love the ending chapters whereby Data came to terms with his guilty feelings towards Lore. I thought that was real sweet. Anyway, although mainly, a P/C story, it has managed to capture all the essence of the characters as well [2]


  1. ^ comments at VOTE: TNG awards - Audacter Ire, March 13, 1996
  2. ^ comments at VOTE: TNG awards - Audacter Ire, March 14, 1996