Arc of the Wolf

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Title: Arc of the Wolf
Author(s): SLWalker
Date(s): October 2001 - Present
Fandom(s): Star Trek: The Original Series
External Links: On Ad Astra :: Star Trek Fanfiction Archive

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Started in October 2001 by SLWalker, the Arc of the Wolf began with a full-length novel On the Nature of Wind. The story itself was dedicated to Montgomery Scott's days in the Engineering Academy, and his journey towards becoming the engineer he would be in later canon. However, due to writer's block, the story sat for a number of years.

Originally, the novel wasn't meant to have any prequels or sequels, let alone become a story arc, but in 2007 the author caught the metaphorical bug again and began writing short stories based around On the Nature of Wind, dealing with the OCs and Scotty himself, taking place throughout the timeline. She also finished the original novel, after extensive editing, and released it over six years after it had been started.

Eventually, there came a time when there needed to be some way to distinguish these stories; hence, they were all collected under the name 'Arc of the Wolf', which spans pretty much Scotty's entire lifetime.

The story arc remains incomplete, but there are currently forty-four stories by the original author and an additional fifteen stories by eight other authors who contributed to the overall storyline.