Anything for Love

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Title: Anything for Love
Author(s): Joanna Dey
Date(s): 1999
Genre(s): slash, Bodie/Doyle
Fandom(s): The Professionals
Relationship(s): Bodie/Doyle
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Anything for Love is a Professionals story by Joanna Dey.

It was published in Priority A-3 #1.

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The lads fall through a hole in a floor and Bodie lands on top of Doyle, who ends up with both arms in casts. Bodie has a broken finger but must wait on Doyle hand and foot. Doyle is embarrassed but Bodie says there's nothing about Doyle that can disgust him. Then it's Doyle's turn to comfort Bodie, who is also tired and in pain. The vision of Bodie spoonfeeding Doyle scrambled eggs and making a joke out of it is delightful. It seems as though it is far more popular with authors to hurt Doyle, but at least in this story Bodie is also hurt and in need of comfort and reassurance.[1]


  1. ^ from Metabolick at The Hatstand