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Title: Andreia
Author(s): wildestranger
Date(s): 20 December 2010
Length: 3333 words
Genre(s): sequel, Christmas story
Fandom(s): Mary Renault
External Links: archived on AO3 Yuletide

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Andreia is a short story by wildestranger based on Mary Renault's 1953 novel The Charioteer. It is set a little over a year after the end of the novel, while Laurie is still up at Oxford.


Laurie visits Ralph in Bridstow for Christmas. Each of them has been swapping and saving in order to provide food for the festivity; but this is the first time they have been together for far too long.


"Andreia" was written for trueriver in Yuletide 2010.


The story elicited considerable comment, including the following:

  • "A lovely tale to read on Christmas... and especially because it dealt more deeply with the dynamics of Ralph and Laurie's relationship than one would expect to find in a typical fluffy holiday tale. (I like my fic both thinky and romantic, what can I say...) [...]"—comment by naraht
  • "OH I really liked this! It really caught the original story's rather tentative feeling of men who are making their own rules to live by and not quite sure if they're on solid ground."—comment by tetsubinatu
  • "This is lovely. I've often wondered how people with such all-encompassing reserve ever learn to be with each other -- and the answer here is apparently, slowly, and with much care."—comment by sherrold