An Unexpected Visit

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Title: An Unexpected Visit
Author(s): trueriver
Date(s): 7 October 2006
Length: 1120 words
Genre(s): sequel
Fandom(s): Mary Renault
External Links: archived on LJ

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"An Unexpected Visit" by trueriver is a short story based on Mary Renault's 1953 novel The Charioteer. It is set some time after the end of the novel at a time when Laurie and Ralph are living together.


After an appointment at the hospital in Bridstow, Reg decides to look Laurie up. The visit is completely unexpected—and, although Laurie is glad to see him, he's all too aware that Ralph is due home any minute.


The story was well received; and there were numerous comments including the following:

  • "Oh, how marvellous. Very true to character and a very likely event from what we know of all three. Nicely written. :)"—comment by lanyon
  • "This is lovely :) It was nice to get a glimpse of happier Reg, and see that awkward turns of conversation can always be smoothed out by Ralph's famous manner."—comment by queen_ypolita
  • "aww! that was lovely. I love Reg. What a great and understanding friend, considering the time. It made me sad to think that Laurie would give up so easily a friend so wonderful. thank you, that made me happy! :)"—comment by shookeymoominx