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Allison Hargreeves/Luther Hargreeves

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Pairing: Allison Hargreeves/Luther Hargreeves
Alternative name(s): Alluther, Harcest
Gender category: Het
Fandom: The Umbrella Academy
Canonical?: Yes
Prevalence: Uncommon
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Allison/Luther, known as Alluther, is the pairing of Allison Hargreeves and Luther Hargreeves in The Umbrella Academy fandom.


  • Harcest Controversy: Since they're adopted siblings, the pseudo-incest aspect of the ship is controversial. This debate exists for all shipping of the Umbrella Academy kids, but the conversation is particularly concentrated around Allison and Luther because they're canon.
  • Pool Table Scene: In season 3 episode 5, Allison almost rapes Luther using her powers. Luthor comforts Allison, she tries to kiss him, he turns her down, then they have a small fight. He's about to walk out when she says, "I heard a rumor you stay." Even when Luthor says, "Allison, please, don't do this," she continues on, saying, "I heard a rumor you want me." They're about to have sex on the pool table when Allison eventually reneges and flees. Some think that the issue isn't the scene itself, but how it's handled (or rather, how it isn't handled) in the subsequent episodes of the seasons.[1][2]
The fact that they went through that, y'know, in a way does kind of bring closure to it [their relationship], because I think it sort of says that it shouldn't really be, y'know, it's not right. And it felt wrong as it happened, on multiple levels. But that's not really want they both want. It's something that's like a weird sort of security blanket they have which comes out in a weird abusive manner.

Tom Hopper[3]



