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Name: Allnewworld
Owner/Maintainer: Veronica Ahonen
Dates: 2005–2007
Type: Fansite
Fandom: Winx Club
URL: (defunct) (defunct) (defunct)
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Allnewworld was a Finnish Winx Club fansite which ended up spawning multiple successors. It was hosted on Freewebs and had the short address It was run by Vero (also called Veronica). The exact date of the founding of the website is not known, but according to the admin, it was "somewhere in 2005". By 2006, the website had already gained its new successor at the address This version had a green layout featuring the character Layla/Aisha. However, since the traffic on this site was so large, the Wayback Machine failed to capture it.

After mysteriously disappeared, the admin Vero created a new website, Snowwhitewinx, as a successor to Allnewworld. This new version was launched on August 5th, 2007. However, it was never updated all that many times after the initial launch.

The websites featured things typical for fansites: information about the characters, episodes, games, videos, free-to-use graphics, etc.

Unknown to the Finnish fandom, Vero also had an English-language website at She had an advantage over the other Finnish kids in the fandom by being a few years older than most, being able to interact in English with international Winx fans on other sites and forums (bringing in skills and features learned on foreign sites) and knowing how to set up her own HTML layout (this skill was only known by a few, most opting for free and easy hosts like
