All Through the Night

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Title: All Through the Night
Author(s): Rebekah
Date(s): 1996
Fandom(s): Xena: Warrior Princess
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All Through the Night is a Xena story by Rebekah.

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In late 1996, Xena fanfic had begun to emerge from its infancy as more and more bards started appearing and the quality of the stories began to steadily improve. A major turning point in the genre came with the sudden appearance of a fanfic tale called ALL THROUGH THE NIGHT. A beautifully written, poignant hurt/comfort tale revolving around the dynamics of the Xena/Gab friendship, this is a story that would immediately revolutionize XWP fanfic, influencing many of the great bards writing today. The very talented lady responsible for that story, Rebekah, went on to write other wonderful stories, but it is as the writer of ALL THROUGH THE NIGHT that she really changed the face of XWP fanfic - making it into a serious literary pursuit for many bards and elevating it to the level which marks it today as one of the highest quality types of fan fiction on the Net.[1]
