All These Lies That Are My Life

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Title: All These Lies That Are My Life
Author(s): OneMillionAndNine
Genre(s): het
Fandom(s): The X-Files
External Links: online here

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All These Lies That Are My Life is an X-Files story by OneMillionAndNine.

Story Header

Category: Angst, MSR, very little plot

Warning: Totally irresponsible S&M, unsafe sex

Rating: NC-17. Very NC-17

Archive: sure

Feedback: [email protected]

Just don't complain if I bruise any delicate sensibilities. You were warned, repeatedly

Note: Apologies to H. E. and R.W.D.

Disclaimer: I 'm not Chris Carter and even if I was, I probably wouldn't make them do this. Probably.

Additional Warning: Like they say in the carny business, THIS IS A DARK RIDE. Like most of my stuff, it begins happily enough but makes some steep climbs and sharp turns before setting you back down in the parking lot. If you just ate or have a delicate constitution, try the Tea Cups. These are the characters I see when I watch the show - flawed, gorgeous humans. Like the blind man with the elephant, I can only describe the part closest to me.

Summary: Our heroes work a few things out

Reactions and Reviews

msr, first-time fic...scully takes a little initiative and gets the ball rolling and mulder follows her lead...but something seems to be missing from the equation until they admit to having some control issues...sorta twisted...[1]


  1. ^ "afterglow:x-files recs". Archived from the original on 2015-03-27.