Aemond Targaryen

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Name: Aemond Targaryen
Fandom: Fire & Blood/House of the Dragon
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Aemond Targaryen is a character in Fire & Blood and its television adaptation House of the Dragon.



I haven’t seen the show but this guy looks like he was built in a fan fiction factory
I have seen the show and you’re right. Peak tumblr sexy man.
he escaped from an anime

Aemond might be considered something of a breakout character within House of the Dragon fandom. He doesn't appear until episode six of season one (having not been born until that point) and isn't an adult until episode 8. Despite his less-prominent role in the series thus far, as of 2023 he is the second most popular character in the "House of the Dragon" tag on Archive of our Own, with 7,856 fics to protagonist Rhaenyra Targaryen's 8,010.[4]

I see once again that half of the House of the Dragon fandom is upset that the sexy blonde villain with a slutty waist, cheekbones you could cut glass with, and perfect hair to compliment his childhood trauma and deep-seated daddy issues is a very, very popular character.

Truly a mystery.

#he's literally a scientifically engineered tumblr sexyman

#they grew him in a lab to carter specifically to this very niche

Marxist feminist Aemond

There is a meme, mostly on Twitter, of "marxist feminist Aemond".

It's a satirical response fans trying to apply modern real-world politics seamlessly to House of the Dragon and framing Rhaenyra as a feminist.

[@mswyrr [7]]
Dude folks know aemond isn't a Marxist feminist. The joke is that the people who say R is a feminist don't get it's just as ridiculous to call her one. Ffs.

"R is a feminist and you're a m/aga if you don't support her right to rule from a throne built on blood and domination and held with the threat of burning people to death"

What possible response is there to that but humor??? It's a whole clown show. 🤡


Coming out of season 1, Aemond's most popular ships were:

There was also a large number of Reader-Insert fics.

Branching off of Helaemond, there's Helaegond (Aegon II Targaryen/Aemond Targaryen/Helaena Targaryen) and Aegond (Aegon II Targaryen/Aemond Targaryen).

Then there's Alysmond (Alys Rivers/Aemond Targaryen), his ship with his book-canon mistress/wife.

Example Fanworks






  1. ^ @mmmmalright (Feb 3, 2023). "this guy looks like he was built in a fan fiction factory". Twitter. Archived from the original on Feb 6, 2023.
  2. ^ @SkyFeedsOnSpite (Feb 4, 2023). "Peak tumblr sexy man". Twitter.
  3. ^ @elizxbaeth (Feb 5, 2023). "he escaped from an anime". Twitter.
  4. ^ "House of the Dragon (TV)" tag on Archive of Our Own
  5. ^ frazzledsoul (Feb 8, 2024). "sexy blonde villain ... is a very, very popular character". Twitter. Archived from the original on Feb 24, 2024.
  6. ^
  7. ^ @mswyrr (Oct 7, 2022). "The joke is that..." Twitter.